Previuos sites
Not so recent sites
Not so recent sites
The lockdown website for 2n ESO - Web amb tasques del confinament:
The lockdown website for 2n ESO - Web amb tasques del confinament:
Web amb les tasques de recuperació juny 2020:
Web amb les tasques de recuperació juny 2020:
On Ecology - Planet Earth (OLD) (School year 2017/18)
On Ecology - Planet Earth (OLD) (School year 2017/18)
4th ESO BASIC English (2013/2014)
4th ESO BASIC English (2013/2014)
Site for 4th ESO A - Olivar Gran (2013/14)
Site for 4th ESO A - Olivar Gran (2013/14)
Hamlet, in Vilafant (I didn't want my students to finish ESO without working a Shakespeare's Tragedy)(2012/2013)
Hamlet, in Vilafant (I didn't want my students to finish ESO without working a Shakespeare's Tragedy)(2012/2013)
2nd ESO web (2012/2013)
2nd ESO web (2012/2013)
Famous Detectives for 3rd ESO students (2011/2012)
Famous Detectives for 3rd ESO students (2011/2012)
3rd ESO projects - INS Vilafant (2011/2012)
3rd ESO projects - INS Vilafant (2011/2012)
Wiki: INS Vilafant - TheHungerGames (2011/2012)
Wiki: INS Vilafant - TheHungerGames (2011/2012)
The songs we like - June 2012 (2011/2012)
The songs we like - June 2012 (2011/2012)
More Previous webs:
English Day 2009 Class blogEnglish Day 2009 Teachers' reflexive portfolio
Google sites web for the English department school year 2009/10